
Prepare. Practice. Run your “plays”. Would you go into a big game without studying your playbook? This is similar. Make sure you have a playbook for reopening during COVID-19. There are real things to consider as a Service Provider, Restaurant, Entertainment, or Retail Owner/Executive. After polling our Fortune 500, 20+ years in the C-seat, reachXOD CxO Retail Advisors, we share their insights on things to consider when building your plans for reopening, whenever that may be. 
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As business leaders, we are under pressure like never before. Cigna's 2020 study* reports that sick days double, and performance drops, when employees work in isolation. Noteworthy, over 61% of all adults report feelings of loneliness and isolation. Productivity takes a nose dive when workers feel alone, and the increasing likelihood of that grows by working remote. The C-suite is not immune either. reachXOD suggests 6 Steps C-suite Leaders Should Do Now to Increase Remote Productivity. We hope this can help you, and your teams, fight the inevitable battle of feeling isolate or alone.  
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Collecting information is one thing, applying it is another. Bill Gates was asked recently what kind of company he would start if he were in his 20s today. Answer: Artificial Intelligence. Specifically, he would work on teaching AI Computers to read, so they would eventually possess all the written knowledge available in the world.
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