Our Story. Our Why.

It's lonely at the top. Executive isolation is a real thing. We know. We've been there and experienced it too.

Business executives are facing unprecedented scenarios. Businesses are closing. Unemployment is skyrocketing, and supply chains are being disrupted. Add to that the heightened risk due to the statistics surrounding isolation in the workplace (three out of every five adults, or 61%, report that they sometimes or always feel lonely, according to the 2020 Cigna U.S. Loneliness Index.) Senior Executives may be hitting red-lines of stress.

Our Founder decided to do something about it. 

“While working side-by-side with my peers, there were times as a C-suite executive when I felt isolated. This was especially true during periods of crisis. All eyes were on me to ‘lead’ and ‘get it fixed' (think the recession of 2008 - 2009).

Certainly, it was my job to lead. I loved my work, my teams and I wore it well. I look back and think, ‘what if I had access to someone willing to confidentially collaborate with me and share their lessons learned. Would I have led my Teams differently? Would I have avoided some of my hard earned lessons learned? I can tell you, I would have most assuredly not carried as much tension home with me to my husband and kids.

As I see the crisis and chaos right now, I ask ... why can’t we create a safe space? Why can’t we disrupt the advisory market and bring transparency to the fee structure? Why can’t we create a powerful platform where extremely seasoned c-suite executives are able to, confidentially, share advice with other executives, seeking it?

We can.  We will.  And, if reachXOD breathes just a bit hope and encouragement into the chaos?  Who knows how far that could go right now." - Ashlee Aldridge (reachXOD Managing Partner & CEO)

So, let’s go!

We get it. It’s tricky and tough to go to get access to advice sometimes. There are NDAs, conflicts of interest, long procurement cycles, attorneys, contracts. Maybe, there is just not enough time. Who do you turn to for confidential, trusted advice, counsel, and insight?

We have a growing community of curated, seasoned, vetted and certified executives on demand (reachXODs). We do so in a double-blind confidential manner. Our powerful platform empowers us to use the best of data science, human insight, and secure technologies to disrupt the way leaders access executive advice.

Let's dismantle the relationship between power and loneliness. Let’s build bridges instead of glass walls. Solidarity is much better than solitary confinement, wouldn't you agree? We think so too. Don’t go it alone.

Ashlee Aldridge

Founder & CEO

reachXOD Founder and CEO Ashlee Aldridge