Digital Acceleration: Faster and Further

Build and Launch in 4 Weeks
COVID-19 firmly divided business into two categories: digitally capable and everyone else. Moving forward, each must swiftly level up. Don’t believe your business is accelerating digital fast enough? This is the story of how we did just that, in record time, and the lessons gleaned along the way (at least so far).
The world changed dramatically with COVID-19. Most businesses went into crisis mode, and Management Consulting’s focus shifted almost overnight to crisis management. Scenario planning ramped into high gear on topics of furloughs, layoffs, supply chain shutdowns, sourcing capital, managing board expectations, cost cutting, and pivoting technology. Deliberations hearkened back to similar discussions during the 2008-2009 recession.
We were witnessing a trend. Business leaders fell into two distinct categories. The very seasoned leader who served as a CxO during the last recession; or the less experienced leader facing disruptive, global, headwinds for the first time in their role. While both groups struggle with the depth and breadth of uncertainty that COVID-19 brings, it was the second group that we wanted to reach by connecting them with the first group of more seasoned executives.
We examined our internal strengths as a management consulting firm, and realized our Client Delivery Executives bring years of digital expertise and crisis management leadership to the table. From leading digital organizations to transforming the technology required to enable them, our subject matter experts transformed companies digitally from the CxO seat. We leaned into this expertise and harnessed our combined lessons learned. We determined to create a disruptive, online platform, and do it fast.
In the course of 4 weeks, we conceived, started, designed, built, tested and launched a new digital platform that combines data science with human insight. Our focus is on our customers who seek confidential advice and insight from seasoned CxOs, in a virtual, by the hour, easy to access, convenient, format. We launched the platform as a separate, virtual, ecommerce company, reachXOD, and we did it in a matter of weeks.
We had a clear vision. We were relentless in our dedication to get it done. We leveraged our deeply skilled and knowledgeable talent who had the expertise to make swift, meaningful decisions. We lived agile, hourly. Our entire team was 100% aligned on the goals. There were no heroes, and there was no drama.
Regardless of how big, complicated, or small your business is, you can pivot swiftly, level up, and get it done. Don’t go it alone. We didn’t.
reachXOD is here for you right now. We offer confidential, virtual, hourly advice to help you accelerate your digital objectives, faster and further. reachXOD is convenient, simple to access and book a few hours, with low risk and high reward. Book a few hours right now, and get access to the expertise you need to lead.